The Passaic River is one of the most developed and polluted rivers in the USA. These photos were taken in the lower
Passaic where the distinctive odors from the various factories provide sufficient navigational information. The familiar smell of
sewage, the rotting corpse smell of the fat rendering factory, and the butterscotch fragrance used to cover up the scent of some
factory emissions all mark distinctive locations along the river. The Diamond Shamrock site where Agent Orange was produced
is the origin of much of the sediment’s elevated concentration of dioxin. These are digital photographs.
Passaic where the distinctive odors from the various factories provide sufficient navigational information. The familiar smell of
sewage, the rotting corpse smell of the fat rendering factory, and the butterscotch fragrance used to cover up the scent of some
factory emissions all mark distinctive locations along the river. The Diamond Shamrock site where Agent Orange was produced
is the origin of much of the sediment’s elevated concentration of dioxin. These are digital photographs.